Friday, August 22, 2008

What's happening with River Landing Subd.

Just want to let everyone know what's going on in your subdivision.

From the Mayor (Carroll B.)
1.Patching the pot holes (full over lay next year)
2. Installing a Dead End sign (done)
3. Children at play signs
4. Installing a street light at the entrance to the sub (river road)

From the Chief of Police (Ricky Anderson)
1. Installing neighborhood watch signs (4)
2. Helping organizing neighbor watch for the subdivision
3. The Mayor and the Chief will be attending our next meeting

From River Landing HOA President (Dan Wells)
1. Entrance lights back on
2. Process working on the timer
3. Working on getting sprinklers system in service
4. Setting a date for the yearly picnic

From the ACC
1. The ACC will be choosing the next yard of the month
2, Also the ACC will be addressing the flake land scalping (flowers)

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